bee flower

bee on milkweed

Home Gardening

Cornell Cooperative Extension-Broome County (CCE-BC) provides answers to your gardening and insect questions through the following programs:


Gardening Classes and Hands On Workshops 2025


Indoor Seed Starting Workshop

Saturday, March 22 - 1 to 3

Learn all you need to know to start your own garden vegetable or flower plants from seed indoors. Seed starting mixes, lighting needs and after-care of seedlings will be explained. Gain hands-on experience as you sow seeds in a six-pack container. (Seeds will be provided or you can bring your own.) Class size is limited so pre-registration is required.  This class will be held at the George F. Johnson Memorial Library, 1001 Park Street, Endicott, NY



 Pruning Trees and Shrubs Workshop

Saturday, April 5th

1:00 to 3 p.m.

CCE Ag. Development Center

Cutler Botanic Garden Grounds

Work with Master Gardeners in CBG learning proper techniques pruning ornamental trees and shrubs. Learn how, why and when to prune, proper tools, tool maintenance, etc. We will be going out to the gardens for the second hour so please dress for the weather. (In the event of rain/snow cancellation, class will not be rescheduled.) Please bring a pair of garden gloves and hand pruners. Class size is limited so pre-registration is required. To register and pay online: Register

Planning the Vegetable Garden

Thursday, April 17th

6 to7:30pm

Broome County Public Library 185 Court Street, Binghamton


Getting from seed catalog dreams to a successful harvest requires a well thought out plan. Learn what you need to consider and resources available to help you achieve a successful gardening season. Square Foot Gardening techniques and maximizing space are the focus. Class size is limited so pre-registration is required. Register


Watch for more classes at 

GFJ Library




Linda Svoboda
Horticulture Program Educator
(607) 584-5016

Last updated March 16, 2025