The Master Gardener volunteer program is a nationwide Cooperative Extension project that provides interested gardeners with horticultural training. In return, these volunteers provide gardening education and information to the community.
In Broome County, the Master Gardeners receive extensive training in a full year course of study, including classes in plant science, entomology, soil and fertilizers, ornamentals, and other horticultural subjects blending online instruction with in-person, hands on activities. Once trained, the volunteers answer questions on the Grow Line, a telephone information service of Cornell Cooperative Extension – Broome County and "Ask a Master Gardener" email service. A Speakers’ Bureau is available to community groups and the Master Gardener Volunteers participate in other community outreach programs, beautification projects as well as working with 4-H and other area youth.
In addition, there is a unique role for Master Gardeners in Broome County. Under the supervision of the staff Horticulture Educator, these volunteers are the caretakers of Cutler Botanic Garden, our 5 acre demonstration/education garden located on our campus. During winter months, the Master Gardeners plan the garden and participate in continuing education classes. In spring and summer, they plant and care for the garden. There is no charge for the training in Broome County. The training is provided in exchange for service hours at Cutler Botanic Garden.
If you would like to obtain a Master Gardener Application packet (Master Gardener Program and Master Gardener Volunteer Interest Survey) please visit our office or email Linda Svoboda -
Last updated September 23, 2024